Friday, 17 August 2007
Must je tako odvratna snobovska reč!
~Must see~

~Must hear~

~Must read~

...Ali je ljudi vole...
posted by Vacant at 01:29 | Permalink |


  • At 17 August 2007 at 01:56, Blogger screamandcreamofmuses

    Modalno-snobovska rec =) ...

  • At 17 August 2007 at 02:31, Blogger Vacant

    Da da bas to! Skroz je fuj rec...kao neko ti kaze "Must have this or that" i sad ako ti to nemas onda si truo i uncool :D
    Otuda i ovo kod mene Must. Mali eksperiment sa ljudima koji vole da im drugi govore sta da rade i sta da oblace itd :P
    O tempora o mores!

  • At 17 August 2007 at 15:39, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hehehehe, nego šta nego snobovska... Because it must have been a snob the one who made it :P Već pomislih da si nestala, ccc...

  • At 2 January 2009 at 06:41, Anonymous Anonymous

    Well, here's the thing. There was a guy in 1910 who wrote his thesis and then shot himself. Then there was a guy in 1991 who wrote a novella about the best friend of the guy who shot himself in 1910. Then there was a woman in 1997 who wrote a novel against the novel about the guy who shot himself. This is the translation of that novel -- now in English to complement the Portuguese, Serbian, Japanese, Croatian, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Romanian, Hungarian, Swedish, Catalan, Bulgarian, Turkish, Polish, French, Hebrew, Danish, Dutch, and Slovene editions. If you think it doesn't matter what 8 million other people in the world are reading, then go ahead and think of this as a snob's domain. But only at the risk of your own provincialism.

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